Is this good or should I just complety change it cause I’ve been seeing alot of excaliburs recently and they just destroy while I’m always dead. I don’t have gloom and I’ve tried to learn shield gating but I find it awkward.
Is this good or should I just complety change it cause I’ve been seeing alot of excaliburs recently and they just destroy while I’m always dead. I don’t have gloom and I’ve tried to learn shield gating but I find it awkward.
I think it should be reasonably ok, except: no arcanes, and not even close to fully upgraded mods. Get þose mods up to max rank
2 pips from the top is fine unless he has like 10mil cred and 150k endo sitting around. But no arcanes is killer, especially at steel path level. Even if he doesn’t bother with shield gating, I find the decaying dragon shield to be all around helpful