Attached: 2 images This is hilarious. It appears that Twitter is DDOSing itself. The Twitter home feed’s been down for most of this morning. Even though nothing loads, the Twitter website never stops trying and trying. In the first video, notice the error message that I’m being rate limited. Then notice the jiggling scrollbar on the right. The second video shows why it’s jiggling. Twitter is firing off about 10 requests a second to itself to try and fetch content that never arrives because Elon’s latest genius innovation is to block people from being able to read Twitter without logging in. This likely created some hellish conditions that the engineers never envisioned and so we get this comedy of errors resulting in the most epic of self-owns, the self-DDOS. Unbelievable. It’s amateur hour. #TwitterDown #MastodonMigration #DDOS #TwitterFail #SelfDDOS

    1 year ago

    It amazes me that people are still insisting on using this platform like everything’s fine.

    From what I’ve heard, a bunch of Twitter users have been flocking (pun not intended) to Mastodon. Glad to see that more people are finally ditching Elon Musk’s circus show.

      1 year ago

      There’s some real fallout from it though. I ditched Twitter probably a decade ago, as soon as I picked up Reddit, honestly. But I do have a friend of mine that’s an author, and Twitter has been instrumental in promoting his books and establishing his fan community. There are so many people like that, and for their sake it’s a damn shame Musk has decimated Twitter.

        1 year ago


        “Just switch to Bluesky or Mastadon” doesn’t work for artists who have spent years building up their customer base on Twitter.

          1 year ago

          It’s a hard lesson to learn, but putting your eggs in one basket sometimes leads to losing all your eggs. Monolithic social media servers are attractive due to their ease of use, but this is the risk.

        1 year ago

        Of course, this is a very fair point. Ideally, people would be willing to leave Twitter to join the artists, authors, etc. they follow. But unfortunately, many just won’t care enough about Elon’s buffoonery to ditch the convenience that Twitter provides.

        However, I think there’s a middleground between staying on Twitter and moving all operations to Mastodon. People could establish a profile on Mastodon for the people that do care so that those people can move knowing that they’ll still be able to see their favorite artists. Unfortunately, I imagine this is more difficult to do with Elon’s ban on links to alternatives (unless that’s been reversed at some point).

      1 year ago

      I’ve never used Twitter so take this with a grain of salt, but supposedly it really is more difficult to connect to the people that you want to follow, when they all split up and go their separate ways on different instances, and especially when they decide that they will remain inside the walled garden. To be clear, if the people that you want to “follow” are using Twitter, then you also must use Twitter if you want to view their content, and all the more so if you want to interact back with them.

      And now we’ll see similarly with Reddit too I imagine: if the vast majority of the community remains there, so like official announcements are only given to the Reddit community (hehe, not Minecraft though:-P), then you would need to keep a Reddit account unless you are okay with just walking away from it all entirely.

      So there really is a significant cost to leaving, depending on what you are trying to do. It reminds me of the situation with Windows vs. Mac vs. Linux, where nobody likes how heavy-handed The Man is being, but it’s such an enormous cost to try to do anything else - like when the entire city of Munich Germany decided to leave Windows and go to open-source Linux, but got too frustrated with all the crashing and unreliability, so then decided to go back to Windows again. Nowadays they reportedly run both side-by-side, and while I’m sure there are all sorts of “details” involved in all of that back-and-forth switching, the end point remains: if everyone else does one thing, it is much harder to have to blaze your own trail.