• delendum@lemdit.com
    1 year ago

    hey, I’m the admin of lemdit.com, thought I’d offer you my 2 cents.

    Generally speaking anyone is welcome on Lemdit. We’re not a political instance, nor are we a strictly ‘free speech’ one. What this means is any ideas are welcome irrespective of political lean, but slurs, attacks or calls for violence are not. To give you a concrete example, disagreeing with government covid policy is fine, calling people fags is not.

    Lemdit is indeed a tiny instance. This isn’t really an issue as far as content and engagement is concerned thanks to federation, but it does mean we’re a very small fish that can be easily killed if we get defederated. We’re not big enough to survive under our own content steam, so if you do join, please try to keep this in mind.

    The only instances we’ve defederated are ones that host loli porn. In general, anything that can get us into legal trouble is gone on the spot (I don’t mean the lemmy.world interpretation of legal). Otherwise I don’t live in the US and I make it a point not to get involved in politics one way or the other, so you will not see me defederate or block anything based on politics.

    Lemdit is also self-hosted and costs me very little to run, so this isn’t a donations grift, we’re not looking to grow at all costs, etc.

    You can find more info here: https://lemdit.com/post/2915 https://lemdit.com/post/13

    If this sounds like you, then feel free to sign up.

    • Lovstuhagen@exploding-heads.comM
      1 year ago

      I really appreciate that you care to come over and tell us your position, and this is key for me:

      This isn’t really an issue as far as content and engagement is concerned thanks to federation, but it does mean we’re a very small fish that can be easily killed if we get defederated. We’re not big enough to survive under our own content steam, so if you do join, please try to keep this in mind.

      Basically, you may be forced to moderate, and to ban really confrontational, in your face sort of posts that are derogatory to avoid defed… Which is fair.

      I think I may come over to your instance and participate in some stuff, all in godo faith, all with no slurs or name-calling, as that is against my religion. ’

      I’ll probably get a totally diff useranme, though. Be unrecognizable. I actually did this when coming over to EH (some wolfballers will remmeber my original name; like 1-2 people may remember my Discussions name… I don’t fully remember my discussions name, lol.)

  • Depth_Over_Dogma@exploding-heads.com
    1 year ago

    I created a profile at based count. The chewy center of that instance is Political Compass Memes. And you need all four quadrants (including us) to make that work. So we should have a home there, in theory.

    If it’s anything like reddit’s version it’ll be irreverent and fun.

    • Alice@exploding-heads.comOPM
      1 year ago

      Someone was saying they are still on 1.8.1 version and are exposed to ddos attacks so I kinda halted going forward on that. Plus when you sign up it takes you to their matrix server and you can’t login online or in the app. Fucking odd

  • logen@exploding-heads.com
    1 year ago

    I like lemm.ee. They are in favor of users blocking as needed rather than power tripping and defederating.

    hexbear.net seems like a nice place from what I’ve seen. Far far left, but in a lulzy way. Haven’t looked into their policies.

    • logen@exploding-heads.com
      1 year ago

      Hexbear: “A leftist social platform centered around community building through discussion, shitposting memes, and sharing content.”

      Read through their rules, they seem reasonable enough. Though, they have no qlams about wielding a ban hammer.

      Note: I’m used to leftists being very unreasonable, so maybe I’m giving them too much credit.