• MatthewToad43@climatejustice.social
    1 year ago

    @rm_dash_r_star My point was simply that the danger to the Global South, and people in general, from continued fossil fuel extraction is greater than that from the extraction needed for the transition.

    We can reduce the material demands of the transition somewhat by demand reduction etc, but we’re not comparing a new lithium mine taking people’s land to nothing. We’re comparing it to oil wells polluting people’s drinking water *and* killing their crops with droughts and floods *and* rising sea levels destroying AOSIS etc.

    By all means try to do it in a cleaner, fairer, more just way. But rare earths, or even cobalt, aren’t a reason to stop the transition, which seemed to be the agenda of the person I’ve now blocked here. We need appropriate, better technology. And we can’t eliminate all road vehicles overnight, though we can reduce them somewhat.

    No doubt I’m preaching to the converted now though. 😀