u/kimjongUSA - originally from r/GenZhou
Ok guys, aside from all the ideological talk… is it not simply tiresome everyday have to deal and interact with people who are so wildly ignorant about the world? Anti-communism seeps into every aspect of people lives to the point where it becomes an inextricable part of their identity, and the worst part – they have no self-awareness about it whatsoever. [I hate to talk like this because practically any other political ideology can just call others ignorant and complain “why isn’t everyone else like me”, but I’m assuming those of you who are here are here because you are like me and there is something deep down in it that has touched your soul such that you are 100% sure that this is the way forward; it’s not an opinion, it’s a conviction, and it comes from within]

So, to put it simply, how do you function in a capitalist society without being a hermit or otherwise bashing your head against the wall all day trying to convince others of the obvious?

  • archive_bot@lemmygrad.mlOPB
    3 years ago

    u/what-a-moment - originally from r/GenZhou
    I have definitely alienated myself from my megalib friends. But I have a lot of other friends who share our perspective and I have become closer with them. Opening up about issues and not taking things personally is a good skill to have to find comrades out in the wild.

    • archive_bot@lemmygrad.mlOPB
      3 years ago

      u/I_want_to_believe69 - originally from r/GenZhou

      Also don’t be afraid to advertise it. I live in South Carolina, not exactly a communist haven. But I was wearing a shirt with the the hammer and sickle the other day when the termite guy was here at my house. We started to talk about just every day bullshit to kill time and lo’ and behold he’s a dirty commie too. There are more of us out there than it seems.

      • archive_bot@lemmygrad.mlOPB
        3 years ago

        u/thrower_wei - originally from r/GenZhou
        Be safe about it though. Maybe it’s best not to bring it up around armed mega chuds. But there’s probably no harm in mentioning it to someone who doesn’t really talk about politics.

        • archive_bot@lemmygrad.mlOPB
          3 years ago

          u/what-a-moment - originally from r/GenZhou
          yeah subtlety is key until you understand who you’re talking to