Affirmative Action has now ended in the United States.

    1 year ago

    If I only work out my right arm for 2 years straight and then suddenly say “oh I’m going to now start doing the same, equal work out on my left” they don’t just suddenly become the same. You’d have to put more time and focus into the left for it to become equal to the right.

    However if you’re honestly claiming that affirmative action = “doing the same thing again to a different race”, no analogy in the world is going to help you. Your ignorance is untreatable I’m afraid.

      1 year ago

      It’s the same level of understanding the solution as spez thinking editing the karma DB values makes him look good.

      If the fix didn’t start at the ground, then it wasn’t a fix

      We can’t solve the hiring/acceptance discrimination by forcing it, they first need to be at a competitive disadvantage by doing it, and then we target the discrimination that exists after that.

      With the way it is right now it’s encouraging the stereotypes of minorities being lesser/incompetent because it expects them to compete with people who received much better training and practice. It’s downright cruel to expect them to succeed in that situation.

      1 year ago

      Copying from my response here, which I had made earlier to a different commenter who made a similar analogy:

      But why is the goal to get each arm to be the same? To untie that analogy, we’re saying that we want the cumulative experience of each racial group to be the same. Like, taken to the extreme, that means that the ultimate fairness would be to now enslave the other group to make sure it’s even. What? No, that’s not what we want. Right?
      What we want is for each individual, regardless of their group, to have the same access to opportunity. Right? To use your analogy again, the future we want is not to change our workouts to benefit the other arm preferentially so that we can have two arms be the same. Why? Because there’s new people coming to our workout classes all the time! If we now preferentially prefer the other arm, those new people are being unfairly treated.