This person was doing the bit where they were misgendering a hypothetical bigot to prove a point and I told them that “misgendering even hypothetical people is never okay because it suggests that being gendered properly is conditional” and they got defensive and I pulled the “youre cis, shut up and listen” card when they started calling me aggressive (I was coddling them up until that point)

I would like the perspective of other non-cis leftists on this

  • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
    2 years ago

    You’re Right.

    It’s pretty similar issue I have with so many goddamn libs who did the whole Putin is gay or Putin kissing Trump shit. Or they do it to other people like Lindsay Graham. The hypothetical is that “he is gay” and the punchline is actual homophobia. Or the all homophobes are secretly gay thing.

    The premise for that person’s joke is in the same vein that it’s suddenly okay to be bigoted cause the person they’re making fun of won’t like it. That’s trash