I’m tired of carving new burial chambers or adding to the existing mass grave and was thinking of recycling what I already have. The problem is those tombs are already in use.
Will my guys be cool with their friends and family returning to the earth via magma incinerators?
I think as long as you put a slab somewhere they will be fine (they might get negative thoughts from moving the bodies to though)
It looks like there is a check on deceased dwarves that periodically runs. When exhumed and cast into the fire, DF recognizes that they are no longer laid to rest and they get all spooky. Interestingly enough, the tomb can become auto marked as belonging to the ghosty boy, but since no body exists they can only be put to rest with slab.
It’s the most dwarfy way to go, why wouldn’t they be happy?
Another question is will there be a ghost if someone once put to rest was removed from said rest?
You can always carve memorials if things get nasty.
Please do the science, and report back.
I’ve tried this before in a older release. This is how you get ghosts and hauntings. Highly recommend this disposal method for extra FUN!
I think as long as you put a slab somewhere they will be fine (they might get negative thoughts from moving the bodies to though)
I think this will eventually spawn ghosts so you will need to carve slabs for them.