The whispering is all in her head and says she sucks

    6 days ago

    Nope. We shed a lot of mentor-types in the great layoffs after Y2K, and a generation of nerds ran without any oral history and then taught that to their successors.

    What they don’t know they don’t know is not only What best-practice is, but Why best-practice is. And there’s little demonstrated effort to adhere.

    I look over installation docs that do Very, VERY bad things, for instance. Build processes with no artifact validation, a toxic cargo chain, builds in prod, and so much more.

    I can’t blame the devs, as they didn’t learn better. I blame the c-suites who canned the pricy experienced nerds who were also raising their successors properly.

    Now we get to re-learn all that at great pain and hope to regain some of what we had before the next board of defectors guts another carefully-rebuilt culture of adequacy.