Higher speed limits are coming. But the case against them isn’t based on road safety alone – claims of increased economic efficiency are not supported by the evidence, either.
I don’t have time to read the article, I’ll check it out later today, but I am immediately suspicious of anything that has a whole section on “think of the children!”
I don’t have time to read the article, I’ll check it out later today, but I am immediately suspicious of anything that has a whole section on “think of the children!”
New Zealander here. A lot of the lower limits being rolled back were specifically targeting school zones. This is genuinely about children’s safety
They plan on raising the limit when there’s no children around.
Yeah it’s crap. Summary of arguments:
raising speed limits on highways won’t relieve congestion: 1) yes it will, and 2) that’s not the point anyway
Higher speeds cause more crashes: fair point
Higher speeds burn more fuel: no shit
Think of the children!: not even worth addressing