Hello comrades, and happy July! This thread is intended to serve as a bulletin board for all the mutual aid opportunities, rallies, and other lefty events coming up for the month of July. Perhaps your org is organizing something, or there’s a rally you want to spread the word about? Leave a link here!

Please note that in order to keep identifying info to a minimum, do NOT post whether or not you will be at something in this thread - we suggest using Matrix if you feel the need to coordinate something with another user IRL. A good example of an announcement link would be something like this , with only the pertinent details and no public RSVP lists or anything of the sort. If you do not have an event link for your happening, or the event link might not be something sharable due to opsec, a simple post like “Chicago PSL will be marching on [date/time] at [location] for [cause]” would suffice.

As usual, this is an experiement with this being the first local comm - mods and admins have final say. If a link gives away too much identifying info, or has anything else we deem “not good,” we’ll remove it and ask you to repost it a different way.