Brzozowski derivatives are neat, but good old denotational semantics of regular expressions can be very elegant too:

data RE = Empty | Eps | Ch Char | App RE RE | Alt RE RE | Star RE

foldRE :: p -> p -> (Char -> p) -> (p -> p -> p) -> (p -> p -> p) -> (p -> p) -> RE -> p
foldRE emp eps ch app alt star = go where
  go = \case
    Empty -> emp
    Eps -> eps
    Ch c -> ch c
    App p q -> app (go p) (go q)
    Alt p q -> alt (go p) (go q)
    Star p -> star (go p)

recognise :: RE -> String -> [String]
recognise =
  foldRE (pure empty) pure (\c -> \case x : xs | c == x -> [xs]; _ -> [])
    (>=>) (liftA2 (<|>)) (\p -> fix (\t -> liftA2 (<|>) pure (p >=> t)))


  • jaror@kbin.socialOP
    1 year ago

    It’s even nicer with Kleisli:

    recognise' :: RE -> Kleisli [] String String
    recognise' =
      foldRE empty id ch (>>>) (&lt;|>) (\p -> fix (\t -> id &lt;|> (p >>> t))) where
        ch c = Kleisli (\case x : xs | c == x -> [xs]; _ -> [])
    • jaror@kbin.socialOP
      1 year ago

      Of course StateT is perhaps more common and as elegant as Kleisli:

      recognise :: RE -> StateT String [] ()
      recognise =
        foldRE empty (pure ()) ch (*>) (&lt;|>) (\p -> fix (\t -> p *> t &lt;|> pure ())) where
          ch c = StateT (\case x : xs | c == x -> [((), xs)]; _ -> [])
        • jaror@kbin.socialOP
          1 year ago

          @mangoiv perhaps it is slightly easier to read like this?

          data RE = Empty | Eps | Ch Char | App RE RE | Alt RE RE | Star RE
          data REalg a = REalg
            { emp :: a
            , eps :: a
            , ch :: Char -> a
            , app :: a -> a -> a
            , alt :: a -> a -> a
            , star :: a -> a
          foldRE :: REalg a -> RE -> a
          foldRE alg = go where
            go = \case
              Empty -> emp alg
              Eps -> eps alg
              Ch c -> ch alg c
              App p q -> app alg (go p) (go q)
              Alt p q -> alt alg (go p) (go q)
              Star p -> star alg (go p)
          recognise :: RE -> StateT String [] ()
          recognise = foldRE REalg
            { emp = empty
            , eps = pure ()
            , ch = \c -> StateT (\case x : xs | c == x -> [((), xs)]; _ -> [])
            , app = (*>)
            , alt = (&lt;|>)
            , star = \p -> fix (\t -> p *> t &lt;|> pure ())