Review for Bioshock on PS3 and 360 as well as WipEout HD on PS3.
Taken from GamesMaster 205 - December 2008 (UK)
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#Xbox There’s something about the original Bioshock I just love. I think it’s simply the beautiful designs of the slowly rusting and leaking underwater art deco city.
We came very close to getting an R rated horror based on the game but it was cancelled just before filming was due to start.
Netflix announced a live action film a few years ago but I don’t think anything has happened since.
The thing that sticks with me the most after all these years is the atmosphere.
It feels so repressive to the point of being nearly suffocating.
The feel of being locked into the decaying city underneath the ocean and feeling how it can at any point collapse in on you.
It all just came together perfectly.
I’ve only even played a tiny bit of the sequel and never played the 3rd one even.
I have to remedy that one day… Yeah the sequel is good but can’t quite match the original.
The third game I played a lot on PS3 but haven’t completed it. I may do at some point as I have the trilogy in my PSN library.