Wayne Brady on TikTok
www.tiktok.comAs someone who gets to bring joy to others daily on tv, it's been ironic that I don't experience it as much as I'd like. I advocate mental health for all and a part of that is self transparency. In doing my work, I've come to see a few truths, one of them being that I want to be free to love whomever I want. This truth makes me Pan and part of the lgbtq+ family. It's scary as hell to say out loud but here it is. The people I admire the most are the ones brave enough to be themselves unapologetically. This shouldn't shake anyone's world, but if it bothers you at all, that's your business:) I was so afraid of having my manhood questioned, but screw that. A "real man" in my eyes, isn't afraid to be honest and happy. From now on, I'll be over here living my best life! I love you @Mandietaketa @Maile Masako @Jason
It’s okay to not like tiktok, but can you try to be a little nicer when sharing your opinion of it?
I think they were quite calm. Tiktok is cancer. And I’m not talking about the content.
I usually stay away from this kind of response but it seemed like the initial comment was needlessly aggressive to me.
It’s not about calm, I can be calm and be a dick. It’s about being nice. I mod flagged the reply because the user is not from around here and may not have bothered to read our single rule, which is to be nice. This reminder applies to you as well now. Be nice around here.