Suffice to say, if you’ve read this reply then you’ve read approximately half of the replies in this thread. Communism is basically when a bunch of horrible shit happens to millions of peaceful anticommunists innocents for no apparent reason (and it gets communister and communister the more it happens)? Check. Anticommunism suspiciously going unmentioned, but somebody implicitly inviting others to it anyway? Check. Gusanos boneheadedly ignoring those inconvenient communist Easterners and Southerners (because they’re either ‘nonexistent’ or ‘irrelevant’ for one reason or another)? Check. Leftoid noobs who can’t defend socialism worth a damn from this Anti‐Bolshevik Bloc of Nations? Check. You get the picture, but here are a few of my ‘favorite’ replies:

Nobody whose family was slaughtered by the USSR wants to listen to some random asshole on the internet rant about what communism actually is, even if that random asshole is technically correct.

they’re embracing nomenclature and iconography of a movement that basically made my country into the mess it is today and done so much insane evil…

my vietnamese grandma, my mom, and the rest our family escaped south vietnam during the war caused by the soviet union and others.

Opposing communism doesn’t mean you’re automatically capitalist… [+31]

The last one, especially. It’s an obnoxiously pedantic observation that ignores the more obvious conclusion: opposing communism makes you an anticommunist. Either way, I do find it interesting how nobody in that thread mentioned anticommunism by name. The logic behind this, I think, is that if gusanos were forced to evaluate atrocities that other anticommunists like Pinochet and Suharto caused, they’d drop the woe‐is‐me, Mr. Nice Guy act pretty quickly.

    2 years ago

    Do not care gusanos, did not ask homonationalists, you may eat your teeth with your brunch liberalism :) The only way forward for LGBT people globally is communism

    • Black
      2 years ago

      Brunch Queers™ always show themselves to be collaborators in the end. Why I stopped liaising even physically with gays who give off petit-boug vibes, white or otherwise. The only gays I have time for are preferably non-white and mandatorily original punk/anticapitalist-adjacent if not full-blown radicalizing.