• ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    3 months ago

    Maybe the comic should make that connection, because it doesn’t say a single thing about that. It instead says “where’d ya get that land?” “My dad yadda yadda fought for it” “well we’re going to use physical violence to remove you from it.”

    Furthermore, it suggests that “fighting for it” is a good/acceptable thing to do, by that logic I can only assume that the pictured miscreants are OK with how the grandpa “fought” the Native Americans for it. In my view if we’re playing these types of bullshit games the ruffians have no claim to my land either unless they’re Natives, in fact I have more than the hooligans do by virtue of having inherited or paid for it while the ruffians only claim to my land is “I’m jealous.”

    The only people that could realistically claim they have more right to that land than I do would be it’s original inhabitants, not even another tribe (say it used to be Apache land the Comanche would similarly not have any higher right to claim it than I.) Of course, the tribes often warred and took the other’s land, so tbh whoever the apache took it from would have more claim than them, and Cro Magnon before them, Neanderthals before them, and Homo Erectus (lol) before them, all the way back to when ancient Asians crossed the land bridge to get here, those people have the true claim to the land, unless we wanna count Dryopithecus, or protozoans I guess.

    Furthermore, that implies that since Russia is “fighting” Ukraine for their land, whoever wins the battle is the morally correct group who should retain ownership of the land even if it’s the imperialists who are invading said land rather than the defenders. Personally I believe Russia is in the wrong even if they win, idk about you.

    The comic is poorly written, if the point it was trying to get across is “late 18th early 19th century england” specific. Instead it reads as “kill landowners now because at some point when society was less developed imperialism was cool.” It’s really just pro-imperialism, at the end of the day, with the justification of “well that’s what they did 200yr ago so it’s cool when we do it now”

    In conclusion, what’s your address? If you don’t own a house what’s your parent’s address? That land and house will become mine just as soon as I kill your dad. That’s how it works right? Do I get to keep his wife too, if we’re playing by caveman rules? And his sons become free labor to work the fields and I can marry off your sisters for a dowry of an ox and three chickens? No? Why not?

    • PersnickityPenguin
      3 months ago

      Do you know what a noble or am estate is?

      Hint - it has nothing to do with native Americans. Since mobility never existed in the United States, it is pretty clear that the context for this single pane comic is British.

      I’m any case, British nobility is still well alive, and wealthy landowners have inherited vast deaths of the country after their ancestors had used force to take the land when it was under feudalism.

      Now, if you believe that feudal land distribution is a good foundation for modern economic and land development, that’s one thing. It does leave much of the British Isles in their pre-modern state of land usage.

      On the other hand, much of the population is forced to live in dinky squalid poorly heated, uninsulated brick and stone housing blocks that would never pass a modern building code. So from that point of view, it seems like failed policy designed to pander to the land rich, cash poor former noble families who really shouldn’t have any influence on the modern state as they have literally nothing to offer it.

      • ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        3 months ago

        Where in the comic does it say “noble?”

        estate /ĭ-stāt′/ noun


        1. A landed property, usually of considerable size.

        2. One’s property, both real and personal, vested and contingent, especially as disposed of in a will.

        3. The nature and extent of an owner’s rights with respect to land or other property.

        Where do the above definitions specify “british” or “landlord” or “noble” or “feudalism?” Nowhere. It says “the house and land the house occupies, typically large.” All that other shit may be assumed by you, but being that it isn’t stated in the comic my assumptions are just as valid as yours.

        It’s a bad comic and should have been made better to clarify its point, as it stands it’s simply advocating violence for having a property, any property, not just landlords.

    • bleistift2@sopuli.xyz
      3 months ago

      I’m sorry commenters will just ignore your arguments and shred you to pieces. Here’s a cookie. It belonged to my dad.🍪

          • ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            3 months ago

            No no, it’s not just landlords, remember? Homeowners too!

            I just don’t think my mom should be dragged into the street and fucking shot because she “bought a house in 1996.” If you were really about the proletariat you would shoot the bank owner so her mortgage would be paid off (well, as if that would work, but it’s at least closer.) You’re just a poser, pose harder.

            • PersnickityPenguin
              3 months ago

              It has nothing to do with homeowners. Homeowners actually paid for their land and are probably indebted to a bank in the form of a mortgage.

              Nobles who own estates did not do that, they probably have a carve out in the state constitution and obtained their land by inheriting it from their ancestors (and being exempt from an estate tax).

              In fact, the current British estate tax states:

              Inheritance Tax is a tax on the estate (the property, money and possessions) of someone who’s died.

              There’s normally no Inheritance Tax to pay if either:

              the value of your estate is below the £325,000 threshold you leave everything above the £325,000 threshold to your spouse, civil partner, a charity or a community amateur sports club

              • ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                3 months ago

                Some homeowners inherited it from a parent that paid for it, should they be killed? And if you go back far enough, someone did “discover” that land (read: killed or displaced Native Americans), so it’s the same as your british problem just actually closer to “great great grandpa fought for it” than the brits fighting the french or whatever the hell, which would probably be greatX6 by now.

                Where does the comic say anything about a tax? It doesn’t. You can assume that’s what it means all you want but your assumptions are no more valid than mine due to lack of context. Frankly I’d say my assumptions are more valid than yours because I’m just going off the source while you’re bringing outside things the source doesn’t actually say.

            • a Kendrick fan@lemmy.ml
              3 months ago

              No one ever mentioned homeowners unless they owned more than one and by definition, that makes them landlords. If your mother really owns one house and has been struggling to pay it off for close to 30yrs, don’t you think you’re in the wrong for defending the class of people who bought out everything and had to make her take out a mortgage in the first place, one she may never end paying?

              The pig-man depicted in the picture is a caricature for landlords and homeowners with more than a significant one and the homeless folks are not even claiming the place, they’re just trying to live off the lands

              I’m assuming you stand to inherit the place from her, probably because you’ll never be able to buy your own place since the landlords you’re defending bought everything and you are scared that Red Communists would come after you for that, calm down, it’s just one house, the overlord-landlords would probably buy it from you for a pittance and throw into the streets, those red communists would never get to you for owning a house

              a lot of assumptions above as I don’t really know you or what you think you stand to gain by defending a class of pigs

              • bleistift2@sopuli.xyz
                3 months ago

                No one ever mentioned homeowners unless they owned more than one and by definition, that makes them landlords.

                No-one ever mentioned landlords, either. That’s the whole point. This comic, as it stands, simply defends fighting people who own land.

              • ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                3 months ago

                Well I was gonna comment basically the exact same comment as the other guy who replied to this. So, yeah, what he said.

                Also of note however

                No one ever mentioned homeowners

                The pig-man depicted in the picture is a caricature for landlords and homeowners

                Soooo call me when you make up your mind.

                A lot of assumptions above

                Yup, that’s all you have. Assumptions. Get good poser.

              • PersnickityPenguin
                3 months ago

                I don’t think the comic had anything to do with a modern landlord, but rather a noble owning an estate.

      • ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        3 months ago

        No I killed a guy and took his because that’s how it works right? Morrowind rules?

        I just don’t think “they have a thing” is good justification for murder. Next time I see a guy in an 80s chevy truck I should just kill him because I want it? There’s a word for that, couple actually, “Robbery” and “Murder” come to mind…

        If you want to justify killing people you’ll just have to work harder sweetie.