I’m talking 5 mins max run time or fancy colors like kurzgesagt
I saw an article that 25% of zoomers have ADHD like symptoms
Not necessarily a work union, tenant union works fine too
I’m talking 5 mins max run time or fancy colors like kurzgesagt
I saw an article that 25% of zoomers have ADHD like symptoms
Not necessarily a work union, tenant union works fine too
I think an in-person or online labor organizing workshop is the best way to go about it. DSA holds them regularly in my city.
It seems like a whole lot of information to go over in 5 minutes unless it was very, very surface level. There are a lot of potential pitfalls. Here is one that is less than 15 minutes, though! How To Form A Union: Step By Step | The Class Room ft. Sohla & Ham