informal anecdotal data gathering

  1. Do you regularly consume a CBD-containing product (Marijuana, CBD oil, medical marijuana, etc) Please be specific about strain

  2. Have you been infected by COVID, how long did it last, and what were your symptoms?

I’ll go first:

  1. No
  2. Yes, in March 2020, it lasted a month to a year depending on where you draw the line between long-COVID and acute COVID. Symptoms were fatigue, chills, high heartbeat, and a lower quantity of pee
  • featured [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 months ago
    1. No, but I very occasionally smoke THCA flower. Usually indica or indica heavy hybrid, maybe once a month

    2. Never had COVID. I test every two weeks and if I get any sort of sickness symptoms I’ll test immediately. I take lots of little precautions to reduce my risk as well. I mask in indoor public spaces, have a HEPA filter at home, use hand sanitizer frequently, I use Iota Carageenan nasal spray before leaving the house, and I use CPC mouthwash in the morning. I also don’t drink alcohol. Idk how much any of these things do individually but together they’ve kept me from getting it this far. And ofc I’ve gotten every vaccine the moment it’s offered

    I’ve been curious recently about the research regarding CBD and reduced risk of COVID infection. If the results I’ve seen recently can get reproduced I’d definitely look into adding CBD to my toolbox. Thanks for doing this poll as well, its interesting data to have