ATSI - indigineous people (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander)
The termAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples or the person’s specific cultural group, is often preferred, though the terms First Nations of Australia, First Peoples of Australia and First Australians are also increasingly common …
Newstart [Allowance] - “main unemployment benefit paid to eligible Australians and permanent residents aged 22 to 64”
Must be a 'straylian meme
ATSI - indigineous people (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander)
The term Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples or the person’s specific cultural group, is often preferred, though the terms First Nations of Australia, First Peoples of Australia and First Australians are also increasingly common …
Newstart [Allowance] - “main unemployment benefit paid to eligible Australians and permanent residents aged 22 to 64”