The cost of childcare is absolutely insane. My wife is staying at home. She is looking for something part time to get some extra cash.
She got a position at a day care
Our child goes to the top of the list since she’s employed there
We do not get a discount on child care with her working there
Her monthly pay will be ~1100
Our monthly cost to put our daughter there will be $2000
It costs more for my wife to work than it would to be stay at home.
And it’s mind boggling to me that there are so many great solutions that have been in use for decades in other developed countries, but the US refuses to take any cues, because that’s “socialism” or whatever. It’s tiresome.
The cost of childcare is absolutely insane. My wife is staying at home. She is looking for something part time to get some extra cash.
She got a position at a day care
Our child goes to the top of the list since she’s employed there
We do not get a discount on child care with her working there
Her monthly pay will be ~1100
Our monthly cost to put our daughter there will be $2000
It costs more for my wife to work than it would to be stay at home.
It’s truly insane.
And it’s mind boggling to me that there are so many great solutions that have been in use for decades in other developed countries, but the US refuses to take any cues, because that’s “socialism” or whatever. It’s tiresome.