(I know this is about Rifftrax, but we don’t have a Rifftrax community.)

  • masquenox@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    This has nothing to do with being a liberal.

    Yes it does, liberal - you swallowing this liberalese hook, line and sinker has everything to do with your shitty liberal politics.

    Scientists have said it’s more sustainable to use GMOs

    Oh, really? And where is their evidence?

    We have a larger population than ever before

    So your shitty liberal politics have absolutely nothing to do with the right-wing histrionics you are regurgitating here? You do know that shills get paid for shilling, right? Are you getting yours?

    it’s always better to use less land and cause less environmental damage

    You mean that exact thing GMO foodcrops have abysmally failed at accomplishing so far?

    • areyouevenreal
      7 months ago

      I mean from a quick google search I found:




      So your shitty liberal politics have absolutely nothing to do with the right-wing histrionics you are regurgitating here? You do know that shills get paid for shilling, right? Are you getting yours?

      You mean facts? It’s a fact that the population has been larger than ever and that’s happened largely over the last century. It’s still growing. I don’t expect that to last forever (check the demographic transition model), but I don’t expect it to shrink much either. Current agriculture and industry destroys the planet and had done since the industrial revolution. We need more than just politics to combat that. I know politics is obviously an important part of stopping the climate crisis and I won’t deny capitalisms role in slowing progress and causing issues to be ignored or exacerbated. Capitalism however didn’t invent the steam engine or monocropping.

      Also I am not a liberal, you are jumping to insane conclusions. If you stop acting insane people might actually listen.

      You mean that exact thing GMO foodcrops have abysmally failed at accomplishing so far?

      As everyone here keeps saying a tool can be used for good or ill. Just like how computer technology is used for organising both left and right wing protests. Maybe try to understand what a tool is.

      • masquenox@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        I mean from a quick google search I found:

        Have you tried doing a quick google search to find pro-Israeli and pro-genocide articles yet? Yeah… those have been bought and paid for, too.

        Should I mention that your third “source” is literally a front group for Bayer? Should we take a closer look at your other two “sources,” liberal? Or would you rather I don’t?

        You mean facts?

        Here’s some facts for you, liberal - food production is easily adequate for the entire human population. See, liberal? This is what a fact looks like.

        Also I am not a liberal,

        If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck. A liberal you are - your brand of brain-rot is pretty unmistakeable.

        As everyone here keeps saying a tool can be used for good or ill.

        You mean as all your fellow liberals on here keep saying? Gosh… I wonder why liberals would peddle pro-capitalist narratives by pretending that you can separate capitalist reality from liberal ideology?

        It’s a complete mystery, I tell you!

        • areyouevenreal
          7 months ago

          I am aware we have the food to feed everyone. Why are you ignoring all the damage to the environment that making all that food causes? You’re also informing the fact that climate change will make it much harder to produce and distribute good. Distribution is already a problem today.

          Let’s say what you have said is true and that GMOs are worthless. What are you going to do about the environmental impact of food production instead? Surely you have some master plan?

          Calling someone a liberal isn’t going to help your cause. What exactly have I said that makes you think this? Making accusations without having anything to back them up is just going to turn people against you and whatever ideology you support. Is this why leftists always fight? Because they are too busy calling the other side liberals? What ideology is it you support anyway?

          • masquenox@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            Why are you ignoring all the damage to the environment that making all that food causes?

            I’m not the one ignoring it, genius. You are the one peddling the techno-fetishist idea that you can simply handwave all these problems away with capitalist-approved techno-fixes that is designed from the ground up to preserve the destructive status quo they created in the first bloody place.

            Distribution is already a problem today.

            No, liberal - the ability to cause targeted famine amongst people is not a “problem” in a capitalist society. It is a feature. What do you think comes first for a capitalist - the actual, real-world value of a crate of corn, or it’s market price?

            Spoiler alert - it’s not the former.

            Surely you have some master plan?

            I guess it’s true what they say - a liberal will rather imagine the end of the world than imagine the end of capitalism. So much for liberal “rationality,” eh?

            Calling someone a liberal isn’t going to help your cause

            Why? Do you not like being reminded that the liberal ideology you are beholden to is actually an ideology? It is not “rational.” It is not “normal.” It is not “common sense.” It is an ideology designed to protect a status quo that has brought us to the precipice of environmental disaster that it has no intention of saving you from.

            • areyouevenreal
              7 months ago

              Since I don’t defend capitalists how am I a liberal? I want a world where the people own the businesses they work for and have a say in how they are run, instead of shareholders owning them. I don’t see how that’s liberal at all.

              What is it you believe anyway?

              I’m not the one ignoring it, genius. You are the one peddling the techno-fetishist idea that you can simply

              handwave all these problems away with capitalist-approved techno-fixes that is designed from the ground up to preserve the destructive status quo they created in the first bloody place.

              I am not saying they will fix all issues. Just that they are a useful tool. You are bending what I have said to support your own bad arguments.

              I guess it’s true what they say - a liberal will rather imagine the end of the world than imagine the end of capitalism. So much for liberal “rationality,” eh?

              Wasn’t it a marxist who said socialism or barbarism? It seems liberals and marxists are both death cults. Makes sense when you know that Marxists kill all the other socialists like the anarchists.

              • masquenox@lemmy.world
                7 months ago

                Since I don’t defend capitalists how am I a liberal?

                You don’t have to defend capitalism to be a liberal.

                I want a world where the people own the businesses they work for and have a say in how they are run

                I think you mean, “own the means of production.”

                Just that they are a useful tool.

                Oh, it’s useful for many things… colonialism, for one. Just ask Bill Gates!

                kill all the other socialists like the anarchists.

                I think you mean Marxist-Leninists. Very different from just plain old Marxists. Marxist-Leninism is “Marxist” in the same way that Social Darwinism is “Darwinist.”

                • areyouevenreal
                  7 months ago

                  Do you support some non-Leninist version of Marxism? Leninists are the most common form of Marxist. It’s therefore difficult to say they aren’t real Marxists. I am actually not against some ideas like libertarian marxism as it’s Leninists I fell out with.

                  You don’t have to defend capitalism to be a liberal.

                  Also weren’t you saying that liberals are all about capitalism earlier? How can you be a liberal and not support capitalism? I swear liberal is an American term anyway hardly anyone uses it where I live. Shouldn’t you just say capitalist?

                  • masquenox@lemmy.world
                    7 months ago

                    Leninists are the most common form of Marxist.

                    No, they’re not. There are plenty of Marxists that doesn’t even self-describe as Marxists - in the same way that physicists who study and use Einstein’s theories don’t self-describe as “Einsteinists.” It would be silly. Even anarchists accept Marx’s critique of capitalism - does that make them “Marxists?” Generally, Marxist-Leninists use Marx’s image in the same way the Catholic Church uses images of Christ - ie, they care more about “owning” Marx for political capital than anything Marx actually wrote or meant.

                    Also weren’t you saying that liberals are all about capitalism earlier?

                    Capitalism is a feature of liberalism.

                    How can you be a liberal and not support capitalism?

                    Lots of liberals purport to criticize capitalism - you simply have to look at politicians like Bernie Sanders to see that. However, their criticism is purely constructive - their purpose is to protect the liberal status quo by reigning in the most overt excesses of capitalism. Their purpose is most definitely not to dismantle it. Dismantling capitalism (whether through peaceful means or otherwise) is where the left starts - it doesn’t matter what CNN or France24 decides to call “leftist.”

            • areyouevenreal
              7 months ago

              You’re also completely ignoring that GMOs are required to produce modern insulin. Without them we would have to resort to using pigs again which some people are allergic to. So I guess those people can just die according to you, right?

              • masquenox@lemmy.world
                7 months ago

                You’re also completely ignoring that GMOs are required to produce modern insulin.

                You want to talk about insulin? You want to talk about an instance where GMOs actually managed to deliver something worthwhile and yet the the powers that controls these GMOs has still managed to price tons of people out of insulin?

                Sure. We can do that.

                • areyouevenreal
                  7 months ago

                  They don’t know where I live because we have state-run medicine.

                  Also the fact it took you this long to admit that GMOs could be actually useful when used correctly is hilarious. It’s what everyone had been telling you this whole time. Actual creature.

                  • masquenox@lemmy.world
                    7 months ago

                    Also the fact it took you this long to admit that GMOs

                    Oh… I never denied that. Maybe you (and the rest of the liberals here) should reserve your flexes for when you deserve it, no?

                    It’s what everyone had been telling you this whole time.

                    You mean you and all the liberals that will happily allow Bayer and Bill Gates to threaten the world’s food security with their GMO monocropping as long as you get to buy your way out of it?

                    Gee… I wonder why I’m so unimpressed by your shitty and self-serving liberalese?