“The US should do X and they suck because they don’t!” Each state has it’s own laws on education. Some places suck, some do not. It’s not a monolith.

“The US has shitty beer lol” We have some of the best beer in the world but it’s local/state/region only and never exported unlike fancy Euro beer.

The US for better or worse is a, hmmm 🤔 a unity of government states under a federation called America. It’s very hard to get federal laws and bills passed, especially for education. The states want the power to chooses for themselves what they do, and the federal government hangs above them, sometimes intervening.

We are a huge country that has a relatively unique circumstance of government, population, and young brutal history. I’m a Californian and I live in the Bay Area which almost literally a different country than most of America, especially the South and Midwest.

I’m so sick of people, especially smug Europeans, talking like they know Americans and America but they don’t really know shit about us except the movies and going to NYC and Miami.

Yes I am having a bad day.

To be honest I love Europe and have friends there that I miss dearly! I’ve been many times. But dumbassery is dumbassery.

EDIT: You people are an exhausting swarm of pecking ravens and I’ve spent all the “toxic” energy I want arguing with half you because you just hear what you want to hear and fit the stereotype I loathe I think you only commented out of trained reflex and a few of you are just unsophisticated haters. Whatever, fuck you, and all that jazz.

  • muntedcrocodile@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    No they simply come from the rest of the world where it doesnt really matter how u do what u do just that you do it.

    This is an extrodinarilly american centered view of the world and failes to see the bigger picture that your fucked up system is just one piece in a bigger pie of global society.

    You all fly the same flag its on you for being incapable of self organising. You might not think it but texas says just as much about u as a californian as california says about u. The rest of the world treats america as a monolith because to us from the outside thats all that really matters to us.

    • djsoren19@yiffit.net
      8 months ago

      Okay but this massively discounts the fact that Texas and California might as well be two separate countries. You’re doing the equivalent of equating Spain and Poland because they’re both in the EU. Would you really expect Spanish citizens to self-organise and protest due to Poland’s abortion ban? Would a Spaniard ever expect that protest to be effective?

      • muntedcrocodile@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        But the europe is working on adding abortion to European Convention on Human Rights. Ie europe as a whole is self organising to effect such things as a whole. The people in spain can protest for that and expect some level of success. It would seem that europe as a whole can better self organise and take responsibility for their misguided members than the USA can of its states.

        I think the way u see it is a coping mechanism so you dont have to take any responsibility for any of the bad shit that goes on in other states. You personally should feel responsible and guilty of the shit that your countries extremists are doing in government not just give up and put it in the not my state not my problem basket. Go to the friggin capital and protest to the federal government dont wash your hands of the mess and shift blame.

        Hell the trumpians stormed the godamn capital to protest what they beleived in. You and your beleifs have simply given up and called it an issue with other states. You live in a godamn democracy you dont like how things are change them you as an individual have the “god given right” to complain to protest to run friggin propaganda campaigns to shout at every street corner go change the world dont just sit in ur cushy little state and blame other people for your countries failures.

        • TheControlled@lemmy.worldOP
          8 months ago

          I think I’ll do just that. Fuck the South. They can all burn and die of measles. You can’t fix in bred-in-evil of the South from California or DC. So fuck em. I hate them. Lincoln should have let them keep the fucking Confederacy so I could watch their third-world hell not suck all my tax dollars into a trailer park of despairing losers with greasy Klan hoods.

          Sadly, I just need a couple states to vote blue because our idiotic electoral college system.

          • muntedcrocodile@lemmy.world
            8 months ago

            Damn u really are mad. And rightly so but yeah the world not just america needs more blue states cos fuck me trump is a pig.

          • PRUSSIA_x86@lemmy.world
            8 months ago

            You seem to display a very coastal-centric ignorance, why don’t you come hang out in flyover country sometime, help us turn it blue. Afraid you might like it?

            • TheControlled@lemmy.worldOP
              8 months ago

              Afraid I’ll get lynched.

              My worthless family is from there and they’re all a bunch of racist, ignorant, homophobic parasites that bleed the country of resources, culture, and intellect into a bucket they kick to the floor just like that area always has and always will.

              The big cities might be coming around, sure but those states are burning red and can stay burnt. Anyone of interest has left or will leave to places that actually matter and anyone who stays is buying in or selling out.

              • PRUSSIA_x86@lemmy.world
                8 months ago

                It sounds like you have a lot of unresolved family trauma and are projecting those feelings onto an entire geographic region. My whole family is from rural Ohio and they’re some of the most ardent leftists I know. Believe it or not, people and societies are complex and often do not fit the stereotypes you’ve been taught. I quite like my home, even if you think it doesn’t matter.

                • TheControlled@lemmy.worldOP
                  8 months ago

                  Nah, I’m just a student of it’s history and a victim of the political and social poison leeching out of it. I barely know my family, happily. But if you like it so much, rest assured you can keep it.