I was sitting in my car the other day and was able to tilt my phone just right under the sunlight to see the two sensors under the screen. This is a pixel 7. I noticed that the finger print sensor was crooked while the top sensor was pretty straight. It got me thinking for all the people with issues against the finger print sensor, I wonder if theirs is more mis aligned, or maybe this is unrelated.

I check the photos on iFixit and the sensor looks straight there, but it’s getting the back. Anyway, would be interesting if others could take a look at their sensor to see if this is a common thing.

Took a photo with my flashlight and modified it on Snapseed to make it easier to see. It is possible this is normal, but never know.

  • hollunder@discuss.tchncs.de
    9 months ago

    I will try to see it when the sun is out.

    All I can say is that I hate the fingerprint sensor. About 5 out of 10 times I have to enter my pin… (Pixel 7)

    • Chozo@kbin.social
      9 months ago

      I’ve got a Pixel 6 Pro, and I’ve noticed that the under-screen reader really requires a lot more pressure than the old readers that were on the backs of Pixels. I feel like recent software updates have made it require even more pressure than before, even after re-registering my prints.

      I really prefer the readers on the back of the device. They were more reliable, and also functioned as a quick access to the notification shade, which was excellent on larger devices.