• kn33@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    So, I’m going to preface this by saying that when they say that, they are being downright dishonest, and you shouldn’t take what they’re saying as being genuine.

    That being said, for just so you know what they’re up against, this is what they say happens when pressed on it.

    They say that there are scenarios where an abortion procedure is performed, and it doesn’t go entirely to plan, and the former fetus ends up outside the mother and alive. They then go on to say that in these scenarios, it is (depending on the version they’re giving at the time and who they’re talking to) either killed or left to die.

    A few problems with that:

    • The initial scenario is very rare
    • In such initial scenarios, medical care is provided (although rarely, if ever, successful)
    • Doing so would be murder, which is already illegal
    • They’ve already run this nonsense through the ringer once and actually passed a law re-iterating it’s illegal