• shalafi@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’m stunned at the ignorance on the left regarding this sort of thing.

    “Ahh! It’s not TRUE! They’re LYING!” All mad and shit, up in arms.

    Yeah. I know. Truth doesn’t matter, only that these things are said out loud. There’s no more or less to it.

    Saw a Tucker Carlson segment where a Texas police chief made a wild claim. Tucker didn’t blink. Few minutes later, “I want to talk about the claim you made earlier.”

    Sheriff mumble fucks around, “Well, I was just TOLD it was true.”

    Tucker looks concerned for 2 seconds, moves on.

    The audience ONLY heard the claim, that’s it. Carlson did his journalistic duty by briefly questioning it, nobody can point a finger at him. We’re done here, propaganda success.

    • TechyDad@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      And Tucker himself would make wild accusations. He tried to dodge any defamation laws by “just asking questions.” So he wouldn’t say outright “Joe Biden breaks into people’s homes and kills their children,” but he would say: “Now this home was broken into when Joe Biden was in town. Did Biden break into this home? Did he sneak upstairs without anyone realizing he was in? Did he smother the family as they slept? I’m just asking questions here!”

      It was a transparent but effective way of getting his audience to not only believe something, but to think that THEY put the pieces together themselves. All while Tucker could claim “well, I never actually said that was what happened. I just asked some questions.”