Anyone know minimum requirements to run Ubuntu. The main flavor as well as any other you want to share. Also, suggest any other distrio for a 15 year old laptop. Thanks.

    1 year ago

    Generally, almost any linux will do

    That really depends on the hardware. A year or two ago a friend asked me to install Linux on his ancient laptop. If I remember correctly it has x86 BIOS and CPU, or a x86 bios and x86_64 CPU.

    In any case, it had a hardware combination that made it next to impossible to find a distro that supports it. I tried a few Debian derivatives, arch, void, maybe fedora, and some distros I found in top 10 distro lists for old PCs. The only one that I got to both install and boot was Bodhi Linux. Never heard about it before or after, and it gave up on updating like half a year later.

      1 year ago

      sounds like some of those asus transformer devices :D

      in that case your problem isn’t so much finding a distro to support that PC, but getting ANY distro to boot on it. It’s possible and takes pretty much the same steps for any distro - it’s just a horrible task for all cases.