Hey there everyone! I just noticed Sofirn put the great BLF edition of the SP36 on “Clearance” sale for 43$ with batteries on their website. I thought someone could use this since I was waiting for the light to be on sale for quite some time until I caved and got it for 56ish dollars. But at 43$ it’s a steal.

I really enjoy the light, it has amazing power and anduril to boot. 4000k is a beautiful CCT for that light. This is my first flashlight with triple 18650s. Next to it is my green SC21 Pro, still with anduril 1 until I manage to get a flashing adapter.

Link to the website

  • Ilikecheese
    1 year ago

    Looks decent, I bought one. I still had a Q8Plus in my cart on that site from a month or so ago when I was window shopping and couldn’t make myself pull the trigger, so I went ahead and bought that too plus a couple of accessories. There goes $130. Thanks jerk. /s