• Burger@burggit.moeOP
    1 year ago

    A lot of the software reeks of being outsourced pajeet code. It’s completely ridiculous. 11’s UI is atrocious and it burns so many CPU cycles because they abuse Webapps for a lot of their core windows applications. And I foresee this getting worse in Win12.

    They’re in a death spiral of adding more features at the cost of making things overall buggy because spending time on bugfixes doesn’t generate money for their “As a Service” business model. It’s Arch Linux except the “Oops xorg broke” tier problems are more common on software developed by a multi billion dollar company vs software that’s packaged, developed, and distributed as a labor of love by a community of engineers and sysadmins who love and enjoy software development.

    This is quality work from the likes of Microsoft nowadays (from an insider preview):

    • coldacid@burggit.moe
      1 year ago

      It’s an Electron app. Know how many Electron apps don’t run like a thousand Pajeets shat down its street? One – Visual Studio Code. And even it’s getting worse lately.