• shalafi@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Conservatives didn’t start out aiming for fascism, it came upon them by short sightedness and history.

    Their ideals are dying and their voters are dying. They’ve painted themselves into a corner where any concession is a voter death warrant. And it’s one hell of a downward spiral. (Same goes for religion, but that’s another topic.)

    None of them view themselves as fascists, but fascist strategy is all they have left. They don’t know this, they’re just going for what works in the short-term. Used to laugh about it. But now that the cornered animal is fighting back, it ain’t so funny.

    I had thought maybe they would back up the truck a bit, given their tanking poll numbers over the last 2 decades. Instead they fought back, doubled down. Liberals have an opponent with nothing to lose, and that’s scary.

    And take this from an older guy, in some respects liberals are moving too fast, demanding too much. Humans take time to integrate new ideas and ways of life. Go too fast and they get reactive, fight back like we’re seeing. Yes, even if we have sensible, moral and obvious ideas, we gotta slow it up a bit. I could go on about that for pages.

    Anyhow, this is the most important thing I’ve ever read regarding our differences. Yeah, it’s Cracked.com, but there is wisdom to be had. No one can argue that it’s a bad idea to understand your enemy, right? (And I use “enemy” very loosely here.)
