Recently I have decided that the backup solution I have been using is far too complex for my family to figure out when I die. I began writing documentation on how they can access photos, videos, documents and so on. In that process I thought, I gotta make this simple.
I’m thinking of just having two 10TB drives in RAID 1 on my desktop that get backed up to Backblaze via restic. Backblaze and similar cloud storage providers can send you a copy of your data for recovery. I think I can sufficiently document this process.
Has anyone else come up with a similar process?
I’ve seen individuals who will put a USB drive in a safety deposit box. The drive contains documentation on how to access certain things and then a master key for a password manager. When they pass whoever manages the estate has access to the safety deposit box.
Depending on how technical you are, you could always write a dead man switch. Basically the same concept, you would provide documentation and master key access via email. It would then trigger on condition that some account is not logged into or deactivated after a set period of time. The issue there is that you would have to consistently deactivate within that time frame or the deadman switch is triggered.