(I’m creating a starting guide post here. Have patience, it will take some time…)

Disclaimer: I am new to Lemmy like most of you. Still finding my way. If you see something that isn’t right, let me know. Also additions, please comment!


Welcome to Lemmy (on whichever server you’re reading this)

About Lemmy

Lemmy is a federated platform for news aggregagtion / discussion. It’s being developed by the Lemmy devs: https://github.com/LemmyNet

About Federation

What does this federation mean?

It means Lemmy is using a protocol (Activitypub) which makes it possible for all Lemmy servers to interact.

  • You can search and view communities on remote servers from here
  • You can create posts in remote communities
  • You can respond to remote posts
  • You will be notified (if you wish) of comments on your remote posts
  • You can follow Lemmy users/communities on other platforms that also use Activitypub (like Mastodon, Calckey etc) (There’s currently a known issue with that, see here

Please note that a server only starts indexing a server/community once it has been interacted with by a user of this server.

A great image describing this, made by @ulu_mulu@lemmy.world : https://imgur.com/a/uyoYySY

About Lemmy.world

Lemmy.world is one of the many servers hosting the Lemmy software. It was started on June 1st, 2023 by @ruud@lemmy.world , who is also running https://mastodon.world, https://calckey.world and others.

A list of Lemmy servers and their statistics can be found at FediDB

Quick start guide


You can use your account you created to log in to the server on which you created it. Not on other servers. Content is federated to other servers, users/accounts are not.


In the top menu, you’ll see the search icon. There, you can search for posts, communities etc.

You can just enter a search-word and it will find the Post-titles, post-content, communities etc containing that word that the server knows of. So any content any user of this server ever interacted with.

You can also search for a community by it’s link, e.g. !Netherlands@lemmy.nl. Even if the server hasn’t ever seen that community, it will look it up remotely. Sometimes it takes some time for it to fetch the info (and displays ‘No results’ meanwhile…) so just be patient and search a second time after a few seconds.

Creating communities

First, make sure the community doesn’t already exist. Use search (see above). Also try https://browse.feddit.de/ to see if there are remote communities on other Lemmy instances that aren’t known to Lemmy.world yet.

If you’re sure it doesn’t exist yet, go to the homepage and click ‘Create a Community’.

It will open up the following page:

Here you can fill out:

  • Name: should be all lowercase letters. This will be the /c/
  • Display name: As to be expected, this will be the displayed name.
  • You can upload an icon and banner image. Looks pretty.
  • The sidebar should contain things like description, rules, links etc. You can use Markdown (yey!)
  • If the community will contain mainly NSFW content, check the NSFW mark. NSFW is allowed as long as it doesn’t break the rules
  • If you only want moderators to be able to post, check that checkbox.
  • Select any language you want people to be able to post in. Apparently you shouldn’t de-select ‘Undetermined’. I was told some apps use ‘Undetermined’ as default language so don’t work if you don’t have it selected


I think the reading is obvious. Just click the post and you can read it. SOmetimes when there are many comments, they will partly be collapsed.


When viewing a community, you can create a new post in it. First of all make sure to check the community’s rules, probably stated in the sidebar.

In the Create Post page these are the fields:

  • URL: Here you can paste a link which will be shown at the top of the post. Also the thumbnail of the post will link there. Alternatively you can upload an image using the image icon to the right of the field. That image will also be displayed as thumbnail for the post.
  • Title: The title of the post.
  • Body: Here you can type your post. You can use Markdown if you want.
  • Community: select the community where you want this post created, defaults to the community you were in when you clicked ‘create post’
  • NSFW: Select this if you post any NSFW material, this blurs the thumbnail and displays ‘NSFW’ behind the post title.
  • Language: Specify in which language your post is.

Also see the Lemmy documentation on formatting etc.


Moderating / Reporting

Client apps

There are some apps available or in testing. See this post for a list!


When you find any issue, please report so here: https://lemmy.world/post/15786 if you think it’s server related (or not sure).

Report any issues or improvement requests for the Lemmy software itself here: https://github.com/LemmyNet

Known issues

Known issues can be found in the beforementioned post, one of the most annoying ones is the fact that post/reply in a somewhat larger community can take up to 10 seconds. It seems like that’s related to the number of subscribers of the community.

I’ll be looking into that one, and hope the devs are too.

  • rjc@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Is there a way to turn off auto-refresh on the homepage’s posts? Sometimes its cool to drink from the firehose, but other times you’re trying to read titles of posts and they refresh and scroll off faster than you can keep up with. Would be great to have a auto/manual toggle for refreshing.

  • Ginger Neko@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’m trying to upvote stuff and it keeps automagically unclicking it when I click. Do I need to do something different, like burn incense and melt an ancient AOL disk or something?

  • RarePepeCollector@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    As someone who used voat for awhiel here are my tips:

    1. USE this platform, don’t use reddit. USE this platform and give it content. Content is basically the same as oxygen you can’t deprive it, POST often and comment OFTEN.
    2. Don’t dwell on reddit too much. Voat’s only active communities were about shit posting on reddit (they had a /v/MeanwhileOnReddit and a few banned communities and that was it, nobody used any other communities). Find your favorite community and build it. Build just 1 ideally, anymore is too thin. I am building up https://lemmy.world/c/frugal
  • atimholt@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Is there any way to keep the content of the front page from jumping around like crazy while I’m trying to use it? It almost looks like it’s updating live while just sitting there, but I can’t imagine someone implementing a busy website that way after giving the idea more than two seconds of thought.

  • major_third@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    When I’m on the homepage, I click “All” then sort by Hot. I get a nice list of posts from all over which is really good. But after a few seconds new posts take the top slots of hot and makes just scrolling through unusable. Is there a setting I’m missing for how to keep it from refreshing until I actually hit the refresh button?

  • CAVOK@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Is there some way to stop Lemmy from refreshing under my nose. I’m trying to click a link, or read one and it just scrolls away.

  • gts@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Having this pinned means I have to scroll past this and the other one e v e r y s i n g l e time I go to my homepage in the Mlem iOS app 😂

  • Richie@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    The more people that Upvote and Downvote my comments here on Lemmy, I’m now curious to know if Upvoting and Downvoting on Lemmy hurts your overall experience much like how it does on Reddit?

    For context: On Reddit, over the years I found myself deleting my posts and comments that got downvoted by any amount, but more so if it got double-triple number downvotes, not because I’m so incapable of having discussions and understanding and respecting people’s opinions and points of view, but because other people could more or less control my Reddit experience, and that’s just not fair or balanced. If you have low enough Karma you actually can be denied entry into subreddits. If you have low enough Karma you become limited on what you can even do on Reddit as a whole. Having low enough Karma can legitimately have negative effects on your general Reddit experience, and all it takes is for a handful of people who don’t agree with what you’re saying, who then choose to downvote your posts and comments.

    • redtea@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      As AlmightySnoo said, there’s no karma on Lemmy.

      Up/down votes only relate to individual comments/posts. You can turn these off in the settings so you don’t see them. If this kind of thing affects your mental health, I’d recommend that.

      If you do, you won’t see upvotes, either, I don’t think. But that’s good because even if you could turn off downvotes, you’d still be able to compare the number of upvotes between your comments and know whether a comment is less popular than previous comments. That’s unhealthy, too.

      Richard Seymour’s Twittering Machine is a good book about the darker side of social media. He doesn’t offer a checklist for individuals to ‘fix’ the bad effects of social media use, but his analysis is revealing and may help you to identify the problems so as to alter your relationship with mechanisms like voting, boosting, etc. It may have some triggering stories, though, so read with caution and take a break (either reading him or from using social media) to let your mental health recover.

  • Bri Guy @sopuli.xyz
    1 year ago

    anyone know of an easier way to discover communities? it’d be nice to have like a list or something rather than searching blindly or going to each different server and seeing what’s available

  • scottyb1001@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    RIF transplant. Happy to be here. Thank you for the tutorial looking forward to start playing catchup

  • goldenarchmage@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    So I think I’ve spotted a problem with how Lemmy’s federation actually works. I can give you several examples, but I’ve spotted that there are several ‘Technology’ communities that originate on different servers. They’re definitely different ‘communities’ because they have quite dissimilar subscriber numbers. That’s potentially going to cause a lot of confusion going forward - I really don’t want to have to subscribe to two or three of everything…

  • BeyonDespair@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Why the upvotes and downvotes are acting like crazy? I’m back after a few hours and I’m noticing that in all posts. Also, I’m noticing too that I can’t upvote anything.

  • dirtySourdough@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Thanks for making this post! It answered a lot of my questions, but I still have a few more. So I made my account with this server, Lemmy.world, and I can connect with any other server/community I want to with this account. Awesome. What happens though if this server were to be taken offline? Would my account still exist? Is there anything that would be lost aside from the content on this server?

  • figaro@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Excellent post! Hello to all the reddit refuges… including myself lol