Not news to anybody here, since we already know they take NED money, but still - nice to see some confirmation that Federal Evans and the rest of the Bellingcat crew are collaborators.

  • barrbaric [he/him]
    9 months ago

    This doesn’t seem particularly conclusive imo. It proves that Dutch intelligence knew Bellingcat was going to publish an article on a certain day, but does not prove collaboration. Presumably the dutch spy on their citizens just as much as the US does and so could have found out through those mechanisms.

    Ran the whole email through google translate (thank you grayzone for only doing parts) and got something slightly different:

    today bellingcat publishes the research below. It is probably smart to already put together interdepartmental spokesperson for this. Because the article highlights several sides (MH17 but also COVID19), it is probably wise to wait a while and see if

    the main stream media picks it up;

    from which angle the media picks up and highlights it (MH17 or COVID);

    to determine the spokesperson from this angle and therefore which department is in the lead;

    to coordinate spokespersons interdepartmentally as much as possible.

    OBI R is also informed