I was pretty disappointed with Starfield, I had high expectations for it, but I think my most disappointing gane is P5 Tactica. I love Persona 5, I love tactics games, I don’t like Tactica at all. I didn’t think the Persona 5 well would ever run dry for me, but apparently it has.

  • GhostRiders@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Starfield by a mile…

    It had all the depth of a Kardashian and it was soulless…

    It was like they deliberately only put in the most basic of mechanics just so they could expand them in future DLC’s.

    Take outposts, you can completely heir entire game and never have to Once build an outpost which is utterly ridiculous.

    Ship building is the same,sure it cool until you realise that you can run through the entire game using ships that you aquire via missions because the space combat AI is so basic.

    Try it yourself, just build a massive cube and put nothing but auto cannons on the top and then in fights just fly towards the enemy nice and steady.

    The enemy AI doesn’t try and stay out of range it does the exact opposite,they will always fly towards and then get obliterated by your auto cannons.

    Each of the main story line missions are boring and run by the numbers.

    The NPC’s all have the exact same head movements.

    Crafting is another one that at no point do you have touch.

    You have about 5 - 6 POI that never change in anyway, They are literally copied and pasted on each planet.

    Starfield is a 2013 game made in 2023…

    Look I’m a massive Bethesda fan, I’ve been playing F076 since launch, only a Bethesda fanboy would subject themselves to that.

    I know what Bethesda are like but damn I never thought that they would get this lazy…