Watching videos has basically become impossible. Not even at 144p, not even just the audio loads more than 20 seconds and then stops every 2-3 seconds. I’m really not sure what causes it.
Am I using the wrong instance?
Is Google interfering?
Is my phone or the app not working correctly?
Is my ISP messing with me?

Any tips would be much appreciated

edit: Might have overreacted there a bit. Videos load and run fine in my mobile browser on any network so I doubt it’s the instance nor my ISP.

Still leave Google or the app as possible reasons. 🤔

    11 months ago

    Newpipe has had similar issues for me for the last few days. Not every video, but more have problems than the ones that play. ALL videos are having longer than normal buffering ti es tho. Slow initial load times in Freetube but it’s been playing everything fine otherwise.