The Harry Potter one should’ve been “Harry Potter and the Chamber is Loaded”
Which AI made those? Takk
The best one is the Alice in Borderlands, I almost thought it was legit lmao
Need for Creed got a chuckle from me.
lmao Elton Ring. Missed opportunity for Elton Cock Ring. I fucking died at super narcos 64. I would play the shit out of that.
Because of all the ‘quirky’ art girls I went to highschool with I am not unfamiliar with Alice in Wonderland and tattoos. It evokes BAD memories in me.
Need for Creed seems quite quirky but I’d buy it
That Harry Potter one got a surprise chuckle out of me.
Need for Creed made me laugh out loud 🤣
Fridge raider is crazy 💀
She just like me fr
Need for Creed could be unironically amazing if they leaned hard into the absurdity of such a crossover.
When the time traveler accidently steps on a butterfly.
Homer Simpson stepping every bug and punching every dinosaur
Someone get steven he
They were something before ai. 20 years ago even.
Actually, its nothing. All of this is valueless