Is it normal to just… fall off, and not be as good at gaming? Because I feel like I’ve been getting worse for a while now.
You’ll probably have a tougher time at competitive FPS/RTS/etc games.
I am still quite good at single player and co-op FPS though.
I don’t feel like my reaction time is slower, but measured, it seems to be slower than I thought it was.
However, I also changed how I value my time. I’m more likely to choose a normal difficulty than the absolute hardest because I don’t want to spend my time replaying stuff. I do want a challenge, but not a punishingly hard one.
I just turned 37 and got the metal gear master collection. It was embarrassing on how hard it was for me to beat Cyborg Ninja on normal mode. How did I do that at 8 years old?!
It’s a harder fight than we gave it credit for back then lol
44 here and I’m experiencing the opposite. Games that used to frustrate me to no end just seem to be a little easier for me. I don’t know if my hand/eye coordination has improved or what (I was a fat and admittedly clumsy child), but it makes gaming more fun for me than it used to be.
Now if I only had the time to actually do it…
I’ve accepted I don’t have the time to be amazing at games like I did when I was younger and single and honestly I stopped ‘letting’ my kid win long ago and he beats me anyway because he can spend hours per day gaming while if I’m lucky I’ll get to play an hour on the weekend.
Yep, 41 here, don’t have the time to spend into every game to get great.
Yup. I can’t play fighting games anymore. Just can’t handle the combos and moves. I’m also slower in shooters like cod. Gone are the days when I could jump in the air and snipe someone in the head with a sniper rifle. But I still play games everyday and I’m still good. Just not nearly as good as I was in my 20’s. It’s honestly not that big of a deal. You get used to it.
Not as an artifact of aging, but as a result of the fact that we tend to play less as we age, and like with anything else in life, the less you practice, the worse you’ll be.
This will sound like cope but I think we get such a better perspective in life as we age that we can’t really summon that drive we had in our teens to try and outplay my friend to prove I’m “better” when you later realize how silly that pursuit was to begin with. The way I see it a game is an interactive story. The gameplay is what keeps me busy as I consume the story. The moment the mechanics take time from the story progressing I have no problem lowering the difficulty. Nobody cares. It’s not worth the time.
Depends really, most people only get worse because they play less overall hours.
Depends what you’re playing. Your reaction time and things like that definitely decline. So if you’re playing competitive shooters or something then yea.
I understand.
I’m a few years older than you. Used to be a hardcore WoW raider in years past. Found my way back into MMOs in recent years, and just did not have it. I’ve come to rely on a level of modding some would call unfair in order to keep enjoying that content.
I definitely find myself easing the difficulty settings more than I had in the past. And I rarely, if ever, finish a game and think “Let me play through again in ‘The developer has a personal grudge and wants you to suffer’ mode.” I don’t find that struggle as rewarding as I once had.
34 and I definitely feel like my ability in competitive shooters is getting worse, im finding I lose quite a few 1 vs 1 in Apex just because I’m missing my shots at times. When I was younger more often than not I would have made those shots (I was a very good at Halo, Unreal Tournament, Gears of War and even COD in my twenties).
On the plus side I do feel I’m a smarter player now, relying more on tactics to get the drop on people and timing my fire fights whereas I used to rely on reflex and aim.
Regarding solo games, I still tend to play normal difficulty as a first playthrough but I’m generally far more chilled about things like challenge, my game time is more limited these days so I’m just looking for the odd hour or 2 to have a bit of fun
42 here. Tried Starfield on normal. Cried. Switched to easy. Got too much shit going on in my life for two hour boss battles or grinding.
I’m 35 and yeah, I gave up on competitive games a few years ago. My reflexes aren’t what they were, and I just don’t have the time to learn maps and whatnot anymore. I play chiller games now, ones that I can do at my own pace.