Hello! I am starting to think about where I might be next year.

I have always wanted to go to South America, and I think this might be the year!

I love - nature and history. I love being out in nature, whether that’s surfing, camping in the mountains, or walking on glaciers. I love to just feel lost in the vastness of the beauty of the world. Like, I would love to backpack in Patagonia or up to Machu Picchu. I also really like to learn about the culture and history of where I am. I think it’s part of being a responsible visitor to a place; taking the time and energy to learn about the history and culture of the people and country who are hosting me. And I love to learn about a way of life that’s not mine.

Don’t really care for - partying or drinking. But! I do want to meet people.

I have done a very fast paced DN so far, the longest I’ve stayed in a city is about 1 month. Mostly, I was packing up and getting on a plane every week or so. I’m thinking of switching that up next year, maybe spend a month in a place before moving to the next.

I am also fairly confident as a traveler - been to over 30 countries, lived in 4 different countries (not DNing). But I also want to be mindful and cautious about the places I put myself in.

Oh I also speak Spanish. Where would you recommend?

Thank you so much!

-EDIT- I initially was going to buy a car in Mexico, and just drive it straight down until I got to the tippy tip of Patagonia. I decided that probably isn’t safe to do, now that I’m going to be traveling alone. Hence why I’m looking for new ideas and suggestions!

  • simply__curious@alien.topOPB
    10 months ago

    That sounds lovely, thank you! Ecuador seems super cool too. I actually really want to explore the Amazon, but probably internet isn’t good in the rainforest, right?

    • not_a_total_dick@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      I have not been to the Amazon in Ecuador, only Peru. I would be interested to know how it is in Cuyo. Ecuador has improved their infrastructure a lot in the last few years, not sure if that’s everywhere. It was good in Banos, on the edge of the amazon. In Iquitos, Peru the Internet was dial up and took about 2 days to load a page. I loved it there but had to leave, bc work was waiting undone