Dear DN,

As I read your adventures with a slight envy and look forward to the day when I become one.

I am curious as to what the hidden downsides of this type of lifestyle? I have only come across 2 which are not major which 1) a sense of issolation and 2) lack of ability for brainstorming with colleagues.


  • okgrizzly@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Feeling of isolation is the #1 risk but there are very effective strategies to fight it. The thing is they take work, and imo most people who end up feeling isolated just aren’t doing the work they need to be doing.

    Signing up for a language class, cooking class, dance class, finding a rec sports league to join, going out and actually breaking the ice and talking to people when you’re at a bar or coffee shop, finding meetups for something you’re interested in.

    They all require work and energy especially if you’re introverted and/or exhausted from work or travel it’s its own challenge. But you can be doing it and if you have thick skin and are persistent then it will work at making you meet people and feel more connected to a place.

    Idk about other countries but there’s a big culture of normalizing depression/anxiety in the US and lots of memes about “when u get invited out, but stay in instead, lololol” which is understandable to an extent, but it is taken too far, and it’s bullshit and leads to a less fulfilling life.

    Get out there when you have the time and be social.