Like the title says, I’m new to self hosting world. 😀 while I was researching, I found out that many people dissuaded me to self host email server. Just too complicated and hard to manage. What other services that you think we should just go use the currently available providers in the market and why? 🙂thank you

  • shrugal
    10 months ago

    I’m doing exactly that, and it works like a charm. Get a DynDNS, backup mx and SMTP relay and you’re good, or get a domain provider like that already includes all three with the domain.

    Spam is also manageable. I get maybe 1-2 per day that make it past the filter, and I do have to add some custom keyword filters from time to time, but that’s about it. Fetching updated filter lists and self-learning from past errors keeps the filter up to date and is completely automated.