I’ve been a “digital nomad” now for around 9 months and here are there things I have picked up.

I use the term loosely as I’m not sure I’m a legit OG as I have had to return home twice for meetings (since my work are non the wiser)

  1. The internet has NOT been an issue. Have been travelling in SE Asia and the wifi has almost always been excellent. Just normal airbnbs tend to have much higher speed than back home. Only expecting is hotels, or anywhere where the wifi is an open network.

  2. It has been a lot easier than I thought. I spent around 4 months planning VPN methods, trialing methods on small weekend trips and running all sort of “what if” scenarios. The truth is in my case, it has been easy but I also think it has a lot to do with my next point

  3. Stay consistent. I have certain rules about booking accommodation- nothing too jazzy or distinguishable so my backgrounds are constant. Making sure I’m dressed for the the weather back home when on calls and little things like trying to keep face to face stuff during mural daylight hours. I try to lie as little as possible, so I hold back on the small talk and share general details only when invited too.

  4. I’ve never performed better at my role. I am happier, and therefore more motivated to keep a job that allows me this lifestyle. This in turn means I’m on top of shit, and even in line for a promotion. (But I’ve heard that one before 🙄) either way, I don’t care because I wake up every morning grateful for the life I am leading, and working a role that I enjoy because of it.

Moral here for me is take the chance! If you are able to figure out a way to try this out I would urge to to take the risk! It’s way scarier in the planning, and I always remind myself that if the company wanted to let me go tomorrow they would and they could for any number of reasons.

Happy Travelling People!

  • Englishology@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Did you end up utilizing a VPN? I was a freelance nomad for 2.5 years and heading back out with a full-time job soon. Have looked into the port forwarding, but from what I hear, 9 times out of 10 nobody will care as long performance is consistent and you’re not handling sensitive info. And on top of that, regardless of how well you hide your location, SOMETHING will give you away - connection speed, ping, etc.