Hey everyone. I’m a U.S. citizen. I’ve been working remotely since about Covid hit. And I’m loving it. I’ve been living in a few places outside of the US for 2+ years, and even though most of it is great I want to hear your advice on one little issue.

I’m co-renting an apartment with my buddy near Portland, OR. I mostly do it to keep my stuff in and to have a U.S. address to run my computers from, which I remote-access into. This works great.

But, since I left last time (about 1year and 8 months ago) I left my car in an outside parking lot at this apartment complex that we live in. Now that I got back, cold Portland weather had played a nasty trick on it. It is literally covered in moss, the battery is totally dead and tires are in a bad shape. So to fix it I will need to spend around $1k to get it back into a safe operating condition. And that not counting $35/mo that I’ve been paying to the apartment management for the parking spot.

So I’m wondering now, what do you guys do about getting a ride when you get back to US? This time I will have to spend over a month here. Do you rent a vehicle, lease, ride an Uber? Just curious how to solve the car issue now.