Could be from Gundam, or from any Mecha franchise. For me from Gundam, I think Barbatos is my favorite, I love the sleek animalistic look. But overall, I love the Armored Core mechs, I think my favorite design style is what that series hits with a cross between human looking and machine designs. I also love the artwork for Lancer, I think a lot of mech designs in that game are really evocative, and I really want to get a game going if I can get my more fantasy oriented friends to play something other than dnd5e, lol. Also, special shoutout to any mech with wings

  • Varyag
    1 year ago

    Well, Gundam is a given. I think each AU has a unique pull to what makes their designs cool, from all of the UC that we’re used to, to G-Witch today. Outside of that, my favorite mecha are Armored Core and Battletech. One for the sleek and fast mechas, the other for big, heavy, bulky stompy robots made of sheer walls of armor.