I have a really deep lot with a patio by a river 700’ from my house and have installed a fiber optic cable from my router to the river with a prebuilt armored fiber cable that is 700’ long and is also in conduit the whole way. When I put an eero at the river it works very well with speeds around 700mb while in the house I only get around 400mb. Both areas are plenty for what we need. Nothing hooked up at the river just wanted WiFi there. After a day the Elan automation system starts acting weird and remotes can’t communicate and music won’t play plus many other communication issues. By day 2 I have to unplug the river eero and reset the house eero’s by unplugging them all then plugging them back in to make Elan work again. As long as the river eero is unplugged, my WiFi and internet work perfectly. But as soon as I try the river again it crashes. I’ve tried different eeros at the river with same results. This is my first time using fiber. Am I doing something wrong? How do I fix this?