I’ve been going to the gym for a few months, still feel like a noob tho.
I track what exercises I do, weight & reps, etc, and try to rotate between the different exercises I enjoy.
However I don’t do leg-centric days or anything like that, I just try and do a variety each week and not go too long without exercising specific areas. Is that bad?
I’m not an expert or anything but IMO the best thing I ever did was get into barbell training and just sticking with the same program and being extremely consistent. Avoiding fuck-around-itis is key.
For me 5/3/1 Boring but big is ideal. Four lifting days per week, one main compound lift (8 sets total) and one accessory exercise (5 sets) per workout. Takes about an hour, and I can do it at home with a rack and a barbell. I eat hard and sleep hard and the results have been insane, and most importantly no injuries. You can get to an intermediate level with just compound lifts and a simple program like this
A little light reading if you’re interested: