• flossdaily@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    53 percent of all Palestinians want Hamas to rule. Only 14 percent support the opposition party.

    APPROVAL for Hamas among Palestinians was as high as 73 percent in the last few years.

    So don’t pretend that the majority of these people don’t support those terrorists. Palestinians have been empowering and protecting terrorists for as long as any of you have been alive.

    Sympathy for the innocent Palestinians is great. But let’s not pretend these are a people who are all really torn up about the murder of Jewish children.

    • barsoap
      1 year ago

      53 percent

      You’re referring to this article, aren’t you?

      Read just one paragraph further, emphasis mine:

      Head pollster Khalil Shikaki, who has been surveying Palestinian public opinion for more than two decades, called it a “dramatic” shift, but said it also resembles previous swings toward Hamas during times of confrontation. Those all dissipated within three to six months as Hamas failed to deliver on promises of change.

      Sadly there’s not many numbers to go by. But have a later poll, some snippets:

      Also notable is that Gazans continue to express disapproval of Hamas’ policies towards Israel. About half (53%) agree at least somewhat that “Hamas should stop calling for Israel’s destruction, and instead accept a permanent two-state solution based on the 1967 borders,” a percentage that has held steady over the last three years. 59% of Gazans also agree that Hamas should give up its armed units in favor of PA officers in Gaza. Likewise, nearly two-thirds of Gazans would agree at least somewhat with the need for Hamas to preserve the cease-fire in both Gaza and the West Bank.

      As well as:

      Specifically, Gazans believe that Palestinians should push more against corruption in the PA and Hamas. Most (87%) of Gazans would also like Hamas and the PA to allow free and fair elections, a notable 20-point difference from West Bankers (65%) and East Jerusalemites (66%).

      …so, no, short story short Palestinians aren’t exactly happy about their dictators.

    • atetulo
      1 year ago

      90% of Russians want Vlad to rule.

      101% of North Koreans want Un to rule.

      Gaza hasn’t had an election since 2006.