Every time I drive past the projects, I see litter all over the ground.

  • Tedesche@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Understandable, but does a person who lives in that environment have the right to just complaint/vent about it? We don’t always have to be productive about the problems in our lives, right? This is kind of what I meant when I said I bet the people downvoting don’t live in such environments themselves–you’re looking at it from the outside, more concerned with how the OP’s comments either help the community or serve a pragmatic function, rather than what said comments are doing for them by posting them. If you know what it’s like to live in one of these communities, you empathize with the frustration being expressed.

    I dunno. Every viewpoint has some validity to it, and I don’t mean to make you feel bad about yours, it’s just I worry the downvotes punish the OP for just trying to get something aggravating off their own chest for a moment.