In Finnish we have “kissanristiäiset” (literally means a cat’s christening), which means some trivial and meaningless celebration/event.
In Finnish we have “kissanristiäiset” (literally means a cat’s christening), which means some trivial and meaningless celebration/event.
In Germany, we have:
“To not have all mugs in the cupboard anymore” (“Nicht mehr alle Tassen im Schrank haben”) which translates to doing something incredibly stupid/crazy
“To search yourself a wolf” ("sich einen Wolf suchen) which means to search for something extensively and in the end unsuccesfully.
“To add one additional tooth” (“einen Zahn zulegen”), meaning to hurry, to do something faster.
“To defeat your inner pigdog” (“seinen inneren Schweinehund besiegen” - to get over one’s lazyness, to stop procrastinating
Related to the teeth of gears, I assume?
Originally yes but I doubt many people know that it came from (boat?) gears…