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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 1st, 2023


  • Learn from stealing ane copying ? Meh.

    Learn some respect, first of all, - China has had quite a few developmental achievements historically.

    Learn that intellectual property is a less certain case than material property. Especially intellectual property in cases where there’s only one way to do something.

    Learn that if you steal and copy well enough, you can dominate or replace those you steal and copy from. Say, Spanish is not the dominant language on this planet, because the rest of Europe was stealing and copying well enough. Say, western Roman Empire ended, because peoples under its influence were stealing and copying well enough to go on without such a hegemon.

    Learn that there’s no end of history and sometimes you have to be more cunning.

    Learn that you are stupid and if you don’t know how to do things right, find the way to do them somehow, it’s better than nothing.

    A lot of things.

    Second is completely unrelated

    Well, it’s related in my PoV.

    (but also false btw)

    We are discussing this in English, mostly American English at that.

  • “engineering” is becoming just gluing together and managing cloud services and features.

    Temporarily becoming.

    Just like China had some social and cultural changes since being closed and till the Opium wars.

    Systems are built around people and limited by what a human can conceive and make work. We don’t evolve that fast.

    Also dependency on big centers has led to catastrophes in the past and will lead to those again.

    It will all crash with a huge bang.

    I’m confident of this, anyone who wants may call me a luddite.

  • I’m not sure of that really working, hasn’t been tested after all. Shootouts on the streets don’t lead to everyone getting shot. So, say, US warns “everybody big” that they are nuking someplace, but don’t want to nuke anyone else. If “everybody big” are kinda fine with it, they won’t launch nukes in response. That means there’s a place nuked and no MAD.