Going to mental hospital because LOL
Seriously though, this kind of competitive games can fuck people hard. I am pretty calm person usually, also not young anymore, but playing things like WoT induced capital letters HOT RAGE in me pretty often, and i hear LoL is even worse.
The LoL “community” is also just a huge cess pit. There is a reason i mostly play single player games and Minecraft survival building servers.
Yeah. I played it for like 3 minutes to confirm it’s multiplayer DOTA and dota means autouninstall for me so i did not experience that community, but literally everywhere else people are saying “LoL community is the worst”
The least toxic mmo community is WoW imo, casual playing with no guild and no pvp i don’t think i ever seen anything really bad.
Wow can be incredibly toxic.
I suspect that’s again function of pressure and competition, i noted “no guild and no pvp” because those two things is where i did encounter toxicity. There’s also random LFG things but somehow never very bad for me.
Multiplayer games, not even once.
Why even play games that set you off?
I know, that’s why i don’t anymore. It’s also not how that works for most of people, as seen in millions of players - i was also pretty good at it, for every moment of rage i got a lot of moments of joy.
cuz every 10nth game goes great and you do great and it makes u feel really good. and u keep playing cuz maybe the next game is gonna be good too
I actually don’t play any multi player games or sports or anything like that because I get super super competitive and I will be a salty ass bitch. The last thing I want to do is ruin someone else’s day or fun so I just abstain from all that stuff
Your Honor, League of Legends.
ohhhhh nooooo…