happening mao-shining

no but seriously, this guy was fucked over pretty consistently:

The court heard Mr Reid consumed about six bourbons for “Dutch courage” before attending a local service station earlier in the day and filling up the jerry can.

“There was a build up of stress,” Mr Reid told the court.

“He had to vacate four rental properties, which were all on short six-month leases, and had to find another house to live each time with a new bond.”

The court heard O’Brien had no history of mental illness but a psychological assessment found he had a “paranoid personality”.

Mr Reid said he had attended Kalgoorlie Police Station the Friday before the fire “feeling overwhelmed” and threatening self-harm.

“He was admitted to hospital, he’s provided me with the medical band … he wanted to speak with a psychiatrist,” Mr Reid said.

“He spoke to a psychiatric nurse … he felt he was not given the help he needed and left feeling worse than when he arrived.”

and the reddit-logo reaction is much less libby than I was expecting:


  • He spoke to a psychiatric nurse … he felt he was not given the help he needed and left feeling worse than when he arrived.

    Had a similar experience at a psych ward. Was stuck there for almost two weeks, no way I had a job or place to live after all that. And the best they could do was give me some pills I couldn’t afford to keep taking, tell me to just go back and live with my abusers, then smiled and asked how I planned to pay for it. And I must have had this look on my face because this person has this big, fake grin like a stepford wife where they’re trying so hard to smile they look nervous and said “I know you expect your parents to pay for this but you’re an adult now” and like, I wasn’t thinking that, I was thinking how these people whose job it is to help people ostensibly, were about to shove me out into the street, orders of magnitudes worse off than when I came in.